Covid-19 has caused fear and restrictions from a year ago until the present day. Thanks to our heroes who risk their lives everyday to protect us. To all frontlinets, this is a video for all of you
I am the handsomest of all peole in this universe.
Covid-19 has caused fear and restrictions from a year ago until the present day. Thanks to our heroes who risk their lives everyday to protect us. To all frontlinets, this is a video for all of you
The Covid-19 has greatly restricted our habits and almost our outdoor activities in education, tourism and economy, not only in the Philippines but also the whole world .
Even with this pandemic, we, Filipinos had never forgotten to smile each day of this pandemic. We continue to fight. We share information with our fellow Filipinos. We obediently follow the guidelines given by the government. By doing these simple things, the Vaccine isn't mostly needed ?q=reflection&rlz=1C1CHB F_enPH811PH811&tbm=isch&source =lnms&sa=X&ve d=0ahUKEwjL_IXY5IPkAhWXA4gKHdTdC08Q _AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=65 7&dpr=1#imgrc=OBNspYulFsbI1M: | 9l2j69i57j69i60l2.1399j0j7&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=tGnLbvRXBFmOCM: | quotes&client=ms-android-xiaomi -rev1&sxsrf=ACYBGNS7SW nYyobAlAdtrpGO6eZzZb _0Zw:1578978099542&source=lnms&tbm= isch#imgrc=oHkT3bVNNacyTM |
Covid-19 has caused fear and restrictions from a year ago until the present day. Thanks to our heroes who risk their lives everyday to prot...